Virtual Info Session: Integrated Life Sciences (ILS)


The Honors College admissions staff conducts virtual information sessions in September and October to provide insights into both the Honors College program and the admissions process. Additionally, in early February, tailored information sessions for our living-learning programs are offered, allowing invited students to explore specific programs of interest.

Virtual Info Session: Interdisciplinary Business Honors (IBH)


The Honors College admissions staff conducts virtual information sessions in September and October to provide insights into both the Honors College program and the admissions process. Additionally, in early February, tailored information sessions for our living-learning programs are offered, allowing invited students to explore specific programs of interest.

Virtual Info Session: University Honors (UH)


The Honors College admissions staff conducts virtual information sessions in September and October to provide insights into both the Honors College program and the admissions process. Additionally, in early February, tailored information sessions for our living-learning programs are offered, allowing invited students to explore specific programs of interest.

Honors Ice Cream Social

Anne Arundel Hall Anne Arundel Hall, College Park, MD, United States

Join us for our Honors College Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, February 14 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Anne Arundel basement! We will have pre-scooped flavors from the Maryland Dairy (including dairy-free and kosher options). We will also have Valentine's Day-themed activities throughout the day, including bracelet-making, custom card-making, and a *free* Polaroid photo (1:30-3 p.m., while supplies last).

Hope, Healing & Mobilizing Against Hate

Stamp Student Union Stamp Student Union, College Park, MD, United States

Join the Hope, Healing, and Mobilizing Against Hate event on Friday, February 16, co-sponsored by the Anti-Black Racism Initiative, School of Public Health, and Student Affairs. Learn to respond to bias and hate in collaborative and sustaining ways while building community. The event will have engaging speakers Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington and Dr. Deepa Iyer, plus food, trauma healing practices, conversation and joy.

Justin Bland ’08: Performance and Alumni Talk

Join us for a special event with Honors Humanities alum Justin Bland ’08, an accomplished trumpet player specializing in early Baroque music. He grew up in Prince George’s County, Maryland, graduated from the University of Maryland in 2008, has performed all over North and South America and has gone on to have an amazing career in Europe.

2024 Spring Career & Internship Fair

Stamp Student Union Stamp Student Union, College Park, MD, United States

All UMD students are welcome to attend the 2024 Spring Career & Internship fair, an annual event showcasing local, regional, and national employers all seeking to hire Terps. Wednesday, February 21 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday, February 22 |11:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, February 23 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Register […]

Black History Month Trivia

McKeldin Mall McKeldin Mall, College Park, MD, United States

Students Engaged in Public Health hosts a Black History Month Trivia Social on McKeldin Mall to spread cultural awareness and share fun facts.

Black Men & Mental Health

Nyumburu Cultural Center 4018 Campus Drive, College Park, MD, United States

The University of Maryland Black Alumni (UMBA) Network in co-sponsorship with the Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy (MICA), Honors College, the Black Honors Caucus (BHC), Social Justice Alliance, and the Nyumburu Black Male Initiative present Black Men and Mental Health.

Using excerpts from the book "The Invisible Ache: Black Men Identifying Their Pain and Reclaiming Their Power" by Courtney B. Vance and Dr. Robin L. Smith as a springboard for discussion, we will hear from experts as we consider the mental health needs of Black men and the effect that it can have on families and communities. The discussion will also include testimonials and reflect on the benefits of focusing on Black men's mental health and the risks if we don't.

Black Ink: In Discussion with Award-Winning Author and Alum Kim Johnson ’03

Nyumburu Cultural Center 4018 Campus Drive, College Park, MD, United States

Join us for a special "Black Ink" discussion with award-winning author and UMD alum Kim Johnson '03, author of "The Color of a Lie." The discussion will take place on Thursday, February 22 at 4 p.m. at the Nyumburu Cultural Center. Presented by the Honors College, Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA), University of Maryland […]