Hope, Healing, and Mobilizing Against Hate

Stamp Student Union Stamp Student Union, College Park

You are invited to join the next gathering of the Hope, Healing, and Mobilizing Against Hate community at UMD on Friday, March 28 from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (lunch included) in the Stamp Student Union Prince George's Room. This group of students, faculty, and staff committed to all forms of social justice creates a space for people wherever you are in your journey in and towards racial and social justice.

Startup Shell: How to Brew Kombucha with Stacey Yaculak

Startup Shell 4462 Stadium Drive Room #1101, College Park

Kick start your fermented drink journey with this kombucha brewing workshop! Learn how to safely culture and brew your own kombucha at home, master flavor infusions for delicious fruit sodas, and uncover the cool science behind the magic!

Black Honors Caucus Movie Night

La Plata Hall 8160 Farm Dr, College Park

Hey Honors freshmen! Ready for a fun and hilarious night? Join the Black Honors Caucus for Movie Night in the La Plata Hall Multipurpose Room on Friday, March 28, at 5:30 PM!

BHC will be screening the comedy classic White Chicks, so get ready to laugh, relax, and enjoy great company—all while indulging in FREE food! This is the perfect chance to meet new friends, connect with the BHC community, and take a well-deserved break.