Honors College Convocation Ceremony 2022 Program

Thursday, August 25, 2022, 7:00 p.m.

Dekelboum Concert Hall, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

Opening Remarks

Prof. Peter Mallios, Executive Director of the Honors College

Introduction of the Honors Student Representative

Dr. Jessica Lu, Director, Design, Cultures and Creativity

Welcome Class of 2026

Bryant Rivera Cortez, sophomore Middle School Math and Science Education major

Design, Cultures and Creativity 

Honors College Tradition: Time Capsule

Dr. Traci Dula, Associate Director, Honors College

Introduction of the Distinguished Alumni Speaker

Prof. David Lovell, Director, Gemstone Honors

Distinguished Alumni Speaker

Ms. Kyeisha Laurence ’21, Gemstone Alumna

Introduction of Musician

Prof. Randy Ontiveros, Director, Honors Humanities 

Musical Interlude

Max Filliben, sophomore Engineering major, Honors Humanities

“American Reverie”

Introduction of Keynote Speaker

Dean William Cohen, Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Darryll Pines, President of the University of Maryland

Honors College Tradition

Closing Remarks

Prof. Peter Mallios

Special thanks for the generosity of our campus partners:

Ms. Teresa Thacker, Department of Business Services

Ms. Jessica Perez and Ms. Christianelle Nwoke, University Health Center

Staff, Department of Resident Life (special shout outs to the RAs!)

Staff, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center