Matthew Zinno at the Capitol

HGLO Student Matt Zinno Combines Data-Driven Policymaking with Public Service

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning this semester, Honors Global Challenges & Solutions (HGLO) student Matt Zinno makes his way from College Park to Capitol Hill for his new congressional internship. The Rhode Island native is thrilled to be interning for one of his state’s two congressmen, Seth Magaziner, and getting hands-on experience on the Hill.

Only a few weeks into the job, the sophomore public policy and government and politics major has already gained valuable insights into the legislative process. He spends his time crafting co-sponsor and co-sign recommendations on a variety of pressing issues, from minimum wage increases to tax policy and animal cruelty prevention. 

“It’s incredible to be working in a place as historic as the Capitol,” Zinno said. “It means a lot to contribute legislative efforts that can create positive change in our country.”

Zinno’s interest in public service extends beyond his internship. As a Thurgood Marshall Research Fellow through UMD’s School of Public Policy, he’s also conducting a study on socioeconomic barriers to higher education, focusing on prestigious public universities across the United States. This research project, which involves constructing a comprehensive dataset, stems from his interest in educational equity sparked by a position paper he wrote last year on affirmative action.

The HGLO program has played an important role in Zinno’s academic journey so far. Despite coming to the university thinking he would never need to use statistics again, the program’s data-focused curriculum has ignited a newfound appreciation for quantitative analysis. He credits “Saving the World With Data,” taught by HGLO program director Dr. Sarah Croco, with providing him the skills necessary for his current research endeavors, emphasizing the program’s relevance across various fields.

“I wouldn’t be able to do any of the data work I’m doing now without being part of HGLO,” Zinno said. “Dr. Croco’s class made data work enjoyable. Everything involves data in some way and data visualization can be used in virtually any field.”

Zinno is actively seeking additional internship opportunities to bolster his experience in public service and data-driven policymaking and solutions. He later plans to attend graduate school for political science.

The Honors Global Challenges and Solutions (HGLO) program aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and interdisciplinary perspective needed to address complex global issues through a combination of rigorous coursework, research opportunities, and experiential learning. Learn more about the HGLO program at

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