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Teaching Assistant Position Available for HBUS100: The Future of Work

The newly-launched Interdisciplinary Business Honors (IBH) Program is looking for an undergraduate student to help with the teaching assistant responsibilities in its first course, HBUS100: The Future of Work. As a TA, you will help with the faculty director and course instructor, Dr. Bailey, as well as the IBH associate director, Liz Galvin, to help make this class a success. This work entails grading student assignments, giving students feedback on their performance, holding office hours and coordinating the class schedule. The TA will be a strong advocate for the IBH students to support their learning and their adjustment to the University of Maryland. Compensation is $15/hour for up to 10 hours/week of work.  The position is open to students who are sophomores, juniors or seniors. Preference is given to students in the Honors College and business majors. If interested, please send your resume and one paragraph describing why you are interested in this opportunity to Liz Galvin at elr@umd.edu.

Honors Communications
