Esohe Owie

Student Spotlight: Esohe Owie – Gemstone (Sophomore)

About Esohe

Esohe is a first-gen Honors Terp and a sophomore in the Gemstone Honors program majoring in public health science and minoring in French studies. In Gemstone, she is on Team Black Mamas Matter (BMM), and their research examines factors like health literacy and medical school curricula that contribute to disparities in health outcomes for Black mothers. The team aims to improve the maternal healthcare system as it relates to Black women.

Aside from being an Honors Ambassador, Esohe is a teaching assistant for UNIV 100 and GEMS 100, where she will be helping incoming students acclimate to the UMD environment by introducing them to campus resources designed for their personal and academic growth. She is also a PHSC Ambassador for the School of Public Health (SPH), assisting prospective students with enrollment and representing SPH during outreach events. As the VP of Marketing and Technology for the Sister to Sister program for first-year multiethnic female students, Esohe gets to connect incoming students with a welcoming community.

Outside of her campus involvement, Esohe loves going to concerts, getting sushi and boba from The Spot and making photo collages.

Passion Project

Esohe is a part of the Terrapin Think Tank, where she works with three other students to develop policy solutions to issues in areas concerning health and urban planning in the PG County community. Their last project was a white paper they presented to the PG Health Department on the placement of community health workers in non-traditional settings. Their next project is a tax credit bill to incentivize physicians to open practices in low-income areas of Maryland.

Honors Communications
